Department of Teacher Education
To be eligible to receive the initial four-year teaching certificate in Georgia, a student must complete a bachelor's degree program designed to meet the needs of teachers in a specific teaching field and be recommended by the institution whose program has been completed.
North Georgia College & State University offers undergraduate programs in early childhood education, middle grades education and a dual major in early childhood and special education (P-5). The university also offers secondary education programs (grades 6-12) in biology, chemistry, broad field science, English, mathematics, history, and offers programs leading to P-12 certification in art, French, Spanish, music, and physical education.
Course requirements for the early childhood education, middle grades, and special education programs are found in this section. Course requirements for the programs in the other teaching fields are found in the area of the catalog devoted to that specific academic area. Because the Board of Regents is making changes in teacher education programs, course requirements may change.
North Georgia College & State University offers a number of programs leading to the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree. Specific information about the M.Ed. is found in the Graduate Bulletin.
To be eligible for admission to the Teacher Education Program, a student must:
- complete 40 semester hours of credit with a grade point average of 2.75 or higher;
- successfully complete the Regents' Skills Test (transfer students from non-University System of Georgia institutions must complete the Regents' Skills Test during their first semester enrolled at NGCSU);
- complete EDUC 2001, 2002 and PSYC 2103 with a grade of "C"or better;
- complete all courses in Area A of the core curriculum with a grade of "C" or better;
- post a passing score on the PRAXIS I test or its equivalent (see the Teacher Education Department for registration and exemption information);
- complete an application for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Application deadline is posted on the department Web page;
- agree to request a criminal background check.
- ECE/SPED applicants must also complete MATH 2400 with a grade of
"C" or better.
- Submit three recommendation forms.
Individual programs may require higher standards than the ones listed above. These higher standards are available from the Teacher Education Department and are listed on the application for admission to Teacher Education.
Eligibility for admission is based upon the criteria listed above. Students are admitted in the Teacher Education Program as part of a cohort group based on the evaluation of the Teacher Education Program Admission Committee. The cohort group completes the professional education sequential course work together. This provides each group of students with a common set of experiences. The School of Education limits the size of cohorts to the number that can be served in class and school settings.
All Teacher Education Programs are planned according to the semester that the student begins upper division professional education course work. This requires that the student remain in sequence with a cohort group in order to complete the professional education program of study on schedule, excluding summers. A student must complete a program of study by the end of the second semester in the Teacher Education program.
The Department of Teacher Education publishes a teacher education handbook and an internship handbook. Those handbooks contain more complete descriptions of policies and procedures. Both are normally available on the Teacher Education web site listed under the academic programs portion of the University web site.
One important aspect of the Teacher Education Program is the constant vigilance exercised by the faculty to ensure that standards of quality are maintained. The following standards must be maintained for continued retention in a program:
1. compliance with rules and regulations prescribed for all students at NGCSU;
2. adherence to the Code of Ethics of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission;
3. completion of all courses in the academic major and professional education courses with an academic grade of "C"or better;
4. demonstration of competence in the use of oral and written language;
5. maintenance of an institutional grade point average of 2.75 as required for program admission; and
6. satisfactory performance in all field experiences.
Students whose institutional G.P.A. drops below a 2.75 or who receive "D's" in major courses will be placed on teacher education probation the next semester. If the problem is not corrected within the next semester of enrollment, the student's admission to Teacher Education will be revoked.
For all courses with a field component, a teacher education student must complete all requirements and earn a grade of "C" or higher in the field component in order to pass the course. Students must complete all courses with a field component with a grade of "C" or better before enrolling in any teacher education courses in a subsequent semester.
Only under extreme circumstances will a student be allowed to extend or repeat field-based coursework at the 4000 level. A student who must extend or repeat the pre-internship block will have only one opportunity to complete internship. However, a student who successfully completes block in one semester without extension will have one opportunity to extend or repeat internship.
A student who is required to repeat pre-internship block must pass Praxis II before attempting internship. A student who does not successfully complete internship in one semester must pass Praxis II before repeating the internship.
The School of Education has contractual agreements with designated systems and schools for placement of teacher education students for field experiences and internships. Field placements are limited to those school sites.
Teacher education students will not be placed for field experiences in a school which they attended within the last ten years or in which they have immediate family employed or enrolled.
Due to the highly sensitive nature of working with children and youth in public school settings, the following policy also applies to the Teacher Education Program: Any faculty member or administrator of North Georgia College & State University and/or the co-operating school system who has supervisory responsibility for the on-site college student may immediately remove said student from the school site if, in that person's professional judgment, the college student has acted in an inappropriate manner involving children, youth, staff, or parents of the school or if the student's continued presence in the classroom is detrimental either to the intern or to the educational progress of the students in the classroom. The college student may also be removed, prior to the completion of her/his assignment in that school, should the university or school personnel judge that the university student does not adequately perform her/his assignments or conform adequately to the policies and procedures of the school.
Middle grades and secondary education majors are required to complete 60 hours of Service Learning as unpaid volunteers working in an approved setting with diverse populations in at-risk situations. ECE / SPED majors will have this requirement embedded in the program. Students may begin their experiences upon their admission to the Teacher Education Program. All hours must be completed prior to enrolling in the Internship. Arrangements for the placement must be planned jointly by the coordinator of service learning, the student, and the receiving site. Students expecting to participate are required to attend an orientation session which will be held at the beginning of each semester. Secondary education students may be required to document additional hours of professional experience.
All Teacher education candidates are required to successfully meet the state mandated technology requirement. A candidate can satisfy this requirement by either completing CSCI 1200 (Technology & Learning) with a grade of "C" or above, or completing a technology - embedded teacher education program.
The Internship is that part of the pre-service education program in which the prospective teacher works full time in a cooperating school with an assigned cooperating teacher. Depending on the program, the Internship will take place during the last full year or the last entire semester of the program. Permission for employment or courses not included in the program must be obtained from the Director of Field Experience.
A student must complete an Internship application, which is found in the Teacher Education Handbook. Application deadlines are March 5 for fall Internships and September 15 for spring Internships.
The following are prerequisites for the Internship:
1. admission to the Teacher Education Program;
2. completion of all professional education courses and courses appropriate to the teaching field (exceptions must be approved by the coordinator of field placements and the academic advisor) with a grade of C or better;
3. achievement of a minimum grade point average of 2.75;
4. senior classification as determined by the Registrar's Office;
5. satisfactory completion of the Service Learning requirement or its approved equivalent;
6. take the PRAXIS II examination.
For a complete listing of internship policies, see the internship handbook.
A student seeking an initial teaching certificate in Georgia who has previously earned either a bachelor's degree or graduate degree in a field other than education shall be admitted to the graduate school as an initial licensure student. The process of preparation for certification is approached by North Georgia College & State University as one of training professional educators through programs of study, not one of just supplying a given number of courses. Students enter as a cohort group to complete a three-semester sequence of professional education courses. Each sequence begins during a summer semester and ends the following spring semester. Initial certificate in early childhood occurs through the regular undergraduate program. Initial certification in special education can be obtained either through the undergraduate program described here or the graduate program described in the Graduate Bulletin.
A grade point average of at least 2.75 (on 4.0 scale) and passing scores on the PRAXIS I are required for admission to the Initial Certification Program.
The initial certification student will be assigned an academic advisor who will assist in designing a program of study. Successful completion of the program of study and successful completion of the PRAXIS II tests in the teaching field will qualify the student for institutional recommendation for a Georgia teaching certificate in the desired field.
Application for the certificate will be made through North Georgia College & State University to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
Students denied admission to or continuance in the Teacher Education Program may appeal the decision to the Teacher Education Department's Admission and Retention Committee. Appeals must be made in writing and should clearly state why an exception should be made. An adverse decision by the committee may be appealed in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, whose decision shall be final.
The Department of Education has the responsibility of advisement for students admitted to Teacher Education Programs throughout their course work. Guidance of students in the secondary (6-12) and grades P-12 programs will be shared jointly between the Teacher Education Department and the home academic department, with the academic department advisor having primary responsibility. The overall responsibility for teacher education programs rests with the Teacher Education Department.
The Teacher Education Program of North Georgia College & State University has state program approval through the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and national accreditation through the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Core Curriculum Requirements - 60 hours
All baccalaureate degree programs at NGCSU have as a requirement the satisfactory completion of at least 60 semester credit hours comprising the six areas of the core curriculum. A complete description of Areas A-E of the core curriculum can be found on page 86. Individual degree programs may specify exceptions and/or particular courses which must be taken within each Area A-E of the core curriculum. Those exceptions and/or course requirements and Area F of the core curriculum are shown below.
Area A Students who have mathematics or science as a primary teaching concentration must complete the core curriculum requirements in Area A for that major.
Area B no exceptions
Area C no exceptions
Area D -Students who have mathematics or science as a primary teaching concentration must complete the core curriculum requirements in Area D for that major.
Area E no exceptions
Area F. 18 hours
EDUC 2001 and 2002
PSYC 2103 (PSYC 1101 pre-requisite)
*PSYC 1101 (if not taken in Area E)
Lower division directed elective in primary teaching area
Foreign Language 1002
Electives ( If Area F courses have been taken elsewhere in the core, 1000- or 2000-level courses may be substituted to total 18 hours.)
*If these courses were selected in another area of the core, other approved content electives may be substituted to bring the total to 18 hours. Students who do not enter with strong background in foreign language are advised to consider taking one of these courses elsewhere so that they can take a 1001 Foreign Language.
Required for Middle Grades Education majors - 60 hours
EDUC 3002
EDUC 3003/3003L
MGED 3040
MGED 3050
LART 3040
LART 3190
EDUC 3010
EDUC 4020
EDUC 4021
EDUC 4303
EDUC 4304
EDUC 4305
EDUC 3540
Primary Concentration 12 - 16 hours
(min. 4 courses)
Teaching of (content area) Course
2 Content Courses (advisor approval required)
4 Lower Division directed elective from Area F
Secondary Concentration 12 - 16 hours
(minimum 4 courses)
Teaching of (content area) Course
3 Content Courses (Advisor approval required)
PHED 1000 Wellness (exclusive of the hours required for the degree) 3 hours
(Physical Education activity courses should not be used to satisfy the physical education requirement as health education is a necessary component of this program.)
Regents' Skills Test or exemption (see page 79-80)
U.S. and Constitution & History requirement
This is a dual major in early childhood and special education, preparing students to work in both fields in grades P-5. Students may select two additional courses and a slightly different field experience sequence to achieve Interrelated Special Education certification for grades P-12. This is the only major available in either field on the Dahlonega campus. It requires that students begin in the fall. The junior and senior years of the program are conducted in selected schools, requiring full-year clinical placements that also include academic course work.
Core Curriculum Requirements - 60 hours
All baccalaureate degree programs at NGCSU have as a requirement the satisfactory completion of at least 60 semester credit hours comprising the six areas of the core curriculum. A complete description of Areas A-E of the core curriculum can be found on page 86.
Teacher Education makes no exceptions in Areas A-E of the core.
Area F - Course Appropriate to Major Field - 18 hours
EDUC 2001
EDUC 2002
PSYC 2103
Foreign Language 1002, Spanish preferred
MATH 2400 (if not taken in Area D*)
PSYC 1101 (if not taken in Area E*)
*If these courses were selected in another area of the core, other approved content electives may be substituted to bring the total to 18 hours. Students who do not enter with strong background in foreign language are advised to consider taking one of these courses elsewhere in the core so that they can take a 1001 Foreign Language.
Courses that may be taken prior to admission to teacher education 12 hours
ARTS 3000
MATH 3100 (pre-requisite to 3110, 3116 and 3050)
PHYS 3000
EDUC 3300
Courses that require Admission to Teacher Education 66 hours
ECED 3001
EDUC 3002
EDUC 3003
EDUC 3500
EDUC 3501
EDUC 3010
EDUC 3540
EDUC 4000 or 4010
EDUC 4001
EDUC 4204
EDUC 4404
EDUC 4503
LART 3005
LART 3006
LART 3007
LART 3090
MATH 3110
MATH 3050 or 3116
SPED 3100
SPED 4000
SPED 4001
SPED 4200
PHED 1000 - Wellness: (exclusive of the hours required for the degree program) 3 hours
(Physical Education activity courses should not be used to satisfy the physical education requirement as health education is a necessary component of this program.)
Students desiring certification in grades 6-12 must also take SPED 5002 and SPED 5404 and will have an internship experience in middle and secondary.
Regents' Skills Test or exemption (see page 79-80)
U.S. and Georgia Constitution & History requirement
EDUC 2001 Introduction to Education -3 hours
An initial study of current issues in the field of education, including preparation for understanding the needs of diverse populations, historical issues, legal and ethical considerations in teaching, and topics specific to education in Georgia. This course is prerequisite for admission to undergraduate teacher education program.
EDUC 2002 Introduction to Exceptional Children - 3 hours
This course is designed to provide prospective educators with an overview of current information regarding exceptional children from diverse backgrounds including: characteristics, legal considerations, and educational interventions. This course is pre-requisite for admission to undergraduate teacher education program.
EDUC 3300 Integrated Social Studies - 3 hours
A study of the instructional strategies appropriate to the P-8 social studies curriculum. Consideration is given to the topics of critical thinking skills, interdisciplinary themes, and diversity.
Courses in Education - Advanced
Admission to Teacher Education is required for enrollment in all of the following courses:
EDUC 3002 Educational Assessment 2 hours
Co-Requisite requirement for middle grades, P-12 and 6-12 programs: EDUC 3003, 3003L. This course is an introduction to the principles of sound classroom assessment, which shows how these principles apply to classroom decision-making. Students will learn how to develop classroom assessments that are appropriate for the age and type of learner and match the objectives of instruction. Interpreting the standardized tests that are used in the public schools will also be covered.
EDUC 3003/3003L Classroom Management 2 hours, 1 hour lab
Co-Requisite requirement for middle grades, P-12 and 6-12 programs: EDUC 3002. This course is designed to provide classroom teachers with an opportunity to learn the design and organization of effective classroom settings. An emphasis on the planning and demonstration of effective management skills in diverse public school settings occurs. Lab requires a 3-hour per week school placement.
EDUC 3010 Educational and Community-Based Interventions for Students at Risk 3 hours
A study of intervention practices for students who are at risk as a result of language, cultural, economic, social, or emotional factors. Intervention strategies for individuals, classrooms, schools, and communities will be addressed.
EDUC 3500 Professionalism, Supervised Field Laboratory I 4 hours
This course provides a field experience in a diverse setting, focusing on preschool, kindergarten and early grades development and reading instruction. A minimum of 15 hours per week in a (daytime) school setting is required.
EDUC 3501 Professionalism, Supervised Field Laboratory II 4 hours
This course provides a field experience in a diverse setting, focusing on elementary and upper elementary development and mathematics instruction. A minimum of 15 hours per week in a (daytime) school setting is required.
EDUC 3540 Applied Classroom Data Analysis 3 hours
This course requires preservice teachers in their final semester of training to demonstrate skills in data collection and analysis. Students will demonstrate their ability to bring diverse groups of elementary school students to high levels of learning, and communicate those outcomes through a variety of formal and informal oral and written modes. In addition, preservice teachers will be required to validate their own professional development through completion and presentation of portfolio projects.
EDUC 4060 Problems in Curriculum and Methods 1-3 hours
Research done independently or in groups on problems pertinent to the field. Open to seniors and in-service teachers.
Admission to Teacher Education is required for enrollment in all of the following courses:
ECED 3001 Childhood Development - 3 hours
This course examines the roles played by heredity, maturation, and experience in the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of children from the prenatal period through middle childhood. Observation experiences of school and/or school-aged children are required.
EDUC 4001 Methods and Materials, Early Childhood - 3 hours
Study of basic techniques involved in the effective guidance of learners in early childhood classrooms and various instructional materials adapted for use at these levels. Extensive daytime observation and participation in area schools is required.
The following courses comprise the internship for early childhood teachers and are to be completed concurrently (or as scheduled, in dual certification programs). Application for internship is due in early fall for spring enrollment and early spring for fall enrollment. Pre-requisites include: Scholastic standing of at least 2.75, completion of all professional and major courses with a grade of "C" or better, enrollment at NGCSU for at least two prior semesters and written application in advance.
EDUC 4203 Internship, Planning (Early Childhood) or EDUC 4503 Planning (Special Education) - 3 hours
EDUC 4204 Internship, Classroom Performance (Early Childhood) - 3 hours
EDUC 4404 Internship Performance (Special Education) may be substituted for EDUC 4205 in dual certification programs - 3 hours
EDUC 3540 Is required concurrent with internship - 3 hours
Admission to teacher education is required for enrollment in all of the following courses:
LART 3005 Teaching of Reading 3 hours
An intensive study of reading skills in the areas of readiness, vocabulary development, phonics, word recognition, and comprehension. Students will become familiar with research-based practices in methods and curriculum, as well as strategies for organizing classrooms to support literacy development in diverse school populations.
LART 3006 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (P-5) 3 hours
Study of objectives and methods for teaching comprehension, vocabulary, study skills and critical reading in the content areas. Attention is focused on refinement of teaching strategies to improve content area instruction and to create appreciation of and interest in reading in the elementary grades.
LART 3007 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities, 3 hours
This course is designed to provide future teachers working with diverse and at-risk school populations with research based prevention and intervention strategies. Informal reading assessment, remedial strategies for individuals, small and large groups, characteristics and needs of special populations, and research-based preventative practices are addressed.
LART 3040 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Middle /
Secondary Schools 3 hours
This course provides students with the theory behind methods and materials for teaching reading and writing in the content areas. Strategies and activities that enable the classroom teacher to develop instruction that integrates reading and writing into content knowledge will be stressed.
LART 3080 Children's Literature 3 hours
The reading and evaluation of books for children. Discussed in the course are sources of information about children's books, children's interests in reading, the work of important authors and illustrators, problems in the guidance of reading, and the organization of recreational reading programs.
LART 3090 Language Arts and Children's Literature 3 hours
This course is designed to address the evaluation and study of books for children and the integration of conventional and creative forms of written expression into elementary school curriculum. This course will focus on the utilization of children's literature and writing to support academic, social, emotional, and cultural awareness and development.
LART 3106 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (6-12) 3 hours
Study of objectives and methods for teaching comprehension, vocabulary, study skills, and critical reading in the content areas in grades 6-12. Attention is focused on refinement of teaching strategies to improve content area instruction and to create appreciation of and interest in reading. Offered spring only.
LART 3190 PreAdolescent Literature 3 hours
This course examines various types of literature written specifically for the middle school child or young adolescent. Discussed in the course are the characteristics of pre-adolescent literature in general, characteristics of various genre, evaluative criteria for judging quality literature, and teaching methods and strategies appropriate for the pre-adolescent.
Admission to teacher education is required for enrollment in all of the following courses. Check with coordinator for sequencing.
MGED 3040 Nature and Needs of the Middle School Learner - 3 hours
This course examines the unique nature and diverse needs of the middle school learner as lived in the student's school and the community. The purpose of the course is to examine the development characteristics of young adolescents within the context of where they live, the role of the middle school philosophy, the history and organization of middle schools and current best practices in middle schools.
MGED 3050 Tools of Inquiry - 3 hours
The use and application of inquiry methods appropriate to the developmental needs of young adolescents within the structure of each content area will be investigated. The use of technology and writing-to-learn strategies will be emphasized.
EDUC 4020 Middle Grades Curriculum - 4 hours
Study of the problems in planning for and executing appropriate learning experiences for learners in middle grades classroom. Extensive daytime directed observation and participation in area schools is required. Co-requisite EDUC 4021. Offered fall only.
EDUC 4021 Materials and Methods (Middle Grades) - 3 hours
Study of the basic technique involved in the effective guidance of learners in middle grades classrooms and various instructional materials adapted for use at these levels. Extensive daytime directed observation and participation in area schools is required. Co-requisite EDUC 4020. Offered fall only.
The following courses comprise the internship for middle grades teachers and are to be completed concurrently. Application for internship is due in early fall for spring enrollment and early spring for fall enrollment. Pre-requisites include scholastic standing of at least 2.75, completion of all professional and major courses with a grade of "C" or better, enrollment at NGCSU for at least two prior semesters, and written application in advance.
EDUC 4303 Internship, Planning (Middle Grades) 3 hours
EDUC 4304 Internship, Classroom Performance
(Middle Grades) 3 hours
EDUC 4305 Internship, Professionalism (Middle Grades) 3 hours
EDUC 3540 is required concurrent with internship 3 hours
Secondary Education (English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science) students major in their academic departments as do those in the P-12 programs (Modern Languages, Art, Music). Programs of study are listed with the appropriate academic department. The following courses require admission to teacher education and are included in many of those programs of study.
EDUC 3002, 3003, 3003L and LART 3106 are required in most P-12 and 6-12 programs. Check with your advisor for details.
EDUC 4000 - Curriculum (P-12 / 6-12) - 4 hours
Study of the problems in planning for and executing appropriate learning experiences for learners in P-12 and 6-12 classrooms. Extensive daytime directed observation and participation in area schools is required. Prerequisite, EDUC 3003. Co-requisites appropriate methods course, which varies by program. Offered fall only.
EDUC 4101 - Methods and Materials (P-12, 6-12) - 3 hours
Study of basic techniques involved in the effective guidance of learners in P-12 and 6-12 classrooms and various instructional materials adapted for use at these levels. Extensive daytime directed observation and participation in area schools is required. Co-requisite: EDUC 4000. Offered fall only.
The following courses comprise the internship for secondary and P-12 teachers and are to be completed concurrently. Application for internship is due in early fall for spring enrollment and early spring for fall enrollment. Prerequisites include scholastic standing of at least 2.75, completion of all professional and major courses with a grade of "C" or better, enrollment at NGCSU for at least two prior semesters, and written application in advance.
EDUC 4103 Internship, Planning (P-12, 6-12)
EDUC 4104 Internship, Classroom Performance (P-12, 6-12)
EDUC 4105 Internship, Professionalism (P-12, 6-12)
EDUC 3540 Required concurrent with internship
Total number of hours in Internship - 12 hours
Admission to teacher education is required for enrollment in all of the following courses:
SPED 3100 Characteristics of Students with Mild Disabilities - 3 hours
A course designed to address the characteristics of students from diverse backgrounds with mild intellectual, emotional/behavioral, and/or learning disabilities. Legal issues, development of individual education plans, diagnostic and intervention practices, and working with parents are examined in the context of both general education and special education settings.
SPED 4000 Educational Assessment of Exceptional Children and Adolescents - 3 hours
A course designed to provide a background of formal and informal evaluative procedures for use with children from diverse backgrounds with learning problems. An in-depth diagnostic evaluation of a school-aged child is required.
SPED 4001 Applied Behavior Management for Students with Mild Disabilities - 3 hours
This course addresses the etiology of maladaptive behavior as well as how behavior may be taught, changed, or modified. Basic principles of behaviorist and cognitive theory and their implications within educational settings are covered.
SPED 4200 Educational Interventions for Students with Mild Disabilities - 3 hours
This course is designed to provide future teachers with practical applications of research-based curriculum and methodology utilized in the teaching of students from diverse populations with mild disabilities in interrelated and inclusionary classroom settings. Effective planning, lesson implementation, and monitoring of student progress in collaborative situations is addressed. Research-based methodologies including direct instruction and cooperative learning are applied in classroom settings.
The following courses comprise the internship for early childhood teachers and are to be completed concurrently (or as scheduled, in dual certification programs). Application for internship is due in early fall for spring enrollment and early spring for fall enrollment. Pre-requisites include scholastic standing of at least 2.75, completion of all professional and major courses with a grade of "C" or better, enrollment at NGCSU for at least two prior semesters, and written application in advance.
EDUC 4403 Internship, Planning (Special Education) or
EDUC 4503 Planning
EDUC 4404 Internship, Classroom Performance (Special Education)
EDUC 4405 Internship, Professionalism (Special Education) or
EDUC 4204 Internship, Performance (Early Childhood) may be
substituted for EDUC 4404 in dual certification programs.
EDUC 3540 Is required concurrent with internship
Total hours in Internship 12 hours
Two endorsement programs are available to NGCSU students. These may be completed concurrently with the undergraduate degree and are added to the Georgia teaching certificate at the time of recommendation.